MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Worksafe Bc

Category: Audiology

Code Description Fee


19632 WorkSafeBC - reserved audio - assistive listening device $3,400.00
19631 WorkSafeBC - reserved audio - comb device fitting fee $600.00
19630 WorkSafeBC - reserved audio bed side sound gen fee $50.00
19626 WorkSafeBC - reserved audiology - re-fitting $110.00
19634 WorkSafeBC - reserved audiology - shipping $1.00
19629 WorkSafeBC - reserved audiology - tinnitus counseling $200.00
19628 WorkSafeBC - reserved audiology clinic transfer fit $110.00
19625 WorkSafeBC - reserved audiology first time fit 6 month $30.00
19639 WorkSafeBC - reserved haps - bedside sound gen $1,200.00
19638 WorkSafeBC - reserved haps - combination device $2,100.00

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19636 WorkSafeBC - reserved haps - ear level sound gen $2,400.00
19637 WorkSafeBC - reserved haps - ear level sound gen fit $200.00
19681 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - 1st time fitting $30.00
19693 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - accessories $110.00
19695 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - aid cost arrangement $1,500.00
19692 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - aid re-evaluation $60.00
19686 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - ald $140.00
19690 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - copy additional pages $1.25
19685 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - cros-bicros $110.00
19691 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - ear impression $50.00
19699 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - ear mold $110.00
19680 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - fitting fee $500.00
19682 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - hearing aid return $120.00
19687 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - in-house service $30.00
19697 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - late diagnostic $100.00
19698 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - manufacturer repair $800.00
19684 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - non-ecommerce fee $8.00
19688 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - out of office repair $60.00
19689 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - photocopy $30.00
19700 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - postage and insuance $1.00
19696 WorkSafeBC - reserved hearing aid clinic - timely diagnostic $100.00

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