MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Worksafe Bc

Category: Psychiatry

Code Description Fee


19441 Worksafebc patient management conference-per 15min $80.00
19443 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $1,000.00
19444 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $3,197.15
19445 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $3,197.15
19446 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $500.00
19447 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $3,353.00
19448 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $1,472.00
19449 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $534.36
19450 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $68.34
19451 Worksafebc psychiatry - pre-auth travel expenses $133.61

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19442 Worksafebc psychiatry - travel time per 15 mins $52.50
19424 Worksafebc psychiatry evaluation, family 1/2 hr $178.12
19438 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - eight patients $50.00
19435 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - five patients $65.00
19434 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - four patients $75.00
19439 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - nine patients $47.00
19437 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - seven patients $55.00
19436 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - six patients $60.00
19440 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - ten patients $45.00
19433 Worksafebc psychiatry group visit - three patients $95.00
19425 Worksafebc psychiatry patient conference 1/4 hr $95.74
19432 Worksafebc psychiatry treatment (individual)-1 hr $356.24
19430 Worksafebc psychiatry treatment(individual)-1/2 hr $178.12
19431 Worksafebc psychiatry treatment(individual)-3/4 hr $266.07
19949 Worksafebc reserved psychiatric opinion $1,540.49
19312 Worksafebc telehealth psychiatry treatment-1 hr $356.24
19310 Worksafebc telehealth psychiatry treatment-1/2 hr $178.12
19311 Worksafebc telehealth psychiatry treatment-3/4 hr $266.07

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